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STEM is my speciality

Kate Arneman

Parliamentary bees, soft diplomacy and citizen science

Thanks to the thriving beehives at Australia’s Parliament House and surrounding foreign embassies, local and international communities are learning that you can take positive action for the environment and thoroughly enjoy it.

When it comes to policy discussions and consensus-building, politicians could learn a lot from honeybees. The way they figure out where to build a new home, for example, is a masterclass in collaborative decision-making.

A healthy honeybee colony will keep growing until

Algorithms uncover game-changing details in new images of Earth's surface

Researchers are using satellite images of our planet to create maps that can help predict the spread of bushfires and floods.

Dr Petitjean points to three developments in satellite imagery that have made his work possible: greatly improved resolution, the collection of data at more points over time, and free access to the satellite images.

This map shows in unprecedented detail the variation in vegetation across the state of Victoria, from crops to vast eucalyptus forests.

Dr François Petitje

10 life-saving Australian inventions

Spanning 72 years, these ingenious creations take on everything from sharks to bomb blasts to cancer.

The invention: SharkSpotter is a world-first shark detection system that uses artificial intelligence to protect swimmers and surfers in the ocean without harming marine ecosystems. Deep learning algorithms and image processing techniques are used to examine live video feeds from drones patrolling the ocean, detecting sharks with more than 90% accuracy. Information is then sent to a control sta